Institutional Investors

Stewardship: A Fiduciary Responsibility

At Capstone Asset Management, our desire is to help you fulfill your fiduciary responsibilities. We offer sophisticated solutions to help your organization navigate the challenges of purpose-driven wealth management while upholding your core values.

By partnering with Capstone, you gain access to both traditional and non-traditional investment options. With our diverse range of services—including individual mandates, discretionary management, and portfolio sub-advising—we can create tailored solutions that align with your institution's values and financial goals.

Beyond investment solutions, we offer expert guidance to help you navigate regulatory complexities and enhance your reputation for responsible stewardship. Our transparent reporting and clear communication empower you to confidently demonstrate the impact and performance of your investments to stakeholders. With Capstone as your partner, you can elevate your institution's financial management, amplify your mission, and set a new standard for values-aligned investing in your community.

"As an institutional investor, we understand the weight of responsibility that has been entrusted to you by your organization. At Capstone, we strive to partner with you as you steward resources with integrity and intentionality." -Maria Dawes, Portfolio Manager

Our fee-based approach ensures we act in your institution's best interest. We provide detailed reporting and clear communication, empowering you to demonstrate the impact and performance of your investments to stakeholders.

Assets are maintained by our independent Custodian, providing an extra layer of protection and oversight. We help navigate complex regulatory requirements, ensuring your investments are both secure and compliant with institutional standards.

Our team includes CFA Charterholders with deep experience in institutional investing. We understand the unique needs of Investment Funds, Pension Funds, Charities, Foundations, and other institutions, offering tailored solutions for each.

We offer a range of services including individual mandates, discretionary management, and portfolio sub-advising. This flexibility allows us to create customized solutions that best fit your institution's specific needs and goals.

When you partner with Capstone, your institution benefits from a team of experienced Portfolio Managers and skilled Analysts. This collaborative approach ensures thorough research, strategic balancing, and continuous optimization to meet your organization's financial goals and mission.

As an independent firm, we offer independent advice aligned with your institution's values and mission. Our Biblically Informed Investing strategies allow you to uphold your principles while meeting fiduciary responsibilities.

Access both traditional and non-traditional investment options, including assets like mortgages, infrastructure, real estate, and private equity. Our innovative approach helps institutions diversify beyond conventional markets.

For institutions seeking to launch or manage funds under their own name, we offer sub-advisory services. This allows you to leverage our expertise while maintaining your institutional brand identity.

Custom Tailored Portfolio Management

Our Process

Understand Your Institutions Mission and Goals

We begin by thoroughly examining your institution's financial history, mission statement, and long-term objectives. Our team analyzes your current investment assets within the context of your overall financial structure and regulatory requirements.

Developed and Tailored Strategy

Based on your institution's goals, we collaboratively discuss your risk profile and fiduciary responsibilities. Considering your specific needs, risk tolerance, and regulatory constraints, we determine the most appropriate strategic asset allocation. This comprehensive strategy is documented in a customized Investment Policy Statement, which serves as the governing framework for managing your investments.

Implement with Precision

Upon approval and signing of the Investment Policy Statement, we meticulously implement the agreed-upon strategic asset allocation. Our team leverages its expertise to ensure a smooth transition and optimal positioning of your institution's portfolio.

Provide Ongoing Oversight and Reporting

We conduct regular review meetings with your institution's key stakeholders and investment committee. Detailed quarterly statements and in-depth commentaries keep you informed of your portfolio's performance and market conditions. Our team proactively monitors and rebalances your portfolio to maintain alignment with your Investment Policy Statement. As your institution's circumstances or regulatory environment evolve, we reassess your investment objectives and adjust strategies accordingly, ensuring continued alignment with your mission and fiduciary duties.

capstone funds

Innovative Investments for Modern Markets


Capstone’s Equity Funds are designed to offer a diversified investment approach that aligns with Christian values. With a focus on generating income, preserving capital, and pursuing value-based strategies, these funds include investments in Canadian and foreign assets that complement traditional equity markets.

Capstone Traditional Equity PoolCapstone Non-Traditional Equity PoolCapstone Canadian Equity Income Strategy
Fixed Income

Capstone manages four non-traditional funds that vary by opportunity type. Depending on the Fund's investment mandate, investors access alternative investments such as, real estate, construction and development mortgages with first and second priorities, currencies, commodities, hedge funds, foreign mortgages, and accounts receivables.

capstone mortgage poolcapstone first mortgage fundcapstone private high income poolcapstone treasury poolcapstone fixed income pool

Capstone’s impact investment funds provide investors with the opportunity to align their portfolios with Christian values. These funds focus on selecting companies that demonstrate responsible practices and contribute to human flourishing, incorporating a diverse range of assets, including equities and fixed income, all chosen based on Capstone’s faith-driven principles. By investing in these funds, clients can pursue their financial goals while making a meaningful, positive impact aligned with their beliefs.

Capstone Kinvest Impact Fund I LPCapstone Stewardship Extension Fund

Capstone’s Equity Funds are designed to offer a diversified investment approach that aligns with Christian values. With a focus on generating income, preserving capital, and pursuing value-based strategies, these funds include investments in Canadian and foreign assets that complement traditional equity markets.

Capstone Traditional Equity PoolCapstone Non-Traditional Equity PoolCapstone Canadian Equity Income Strategy

Capstone manages four non-traditional funds that vary by opportunity type. Depending on the Fund's investment mandate, investors access alternative investments such as, real estate, construction and development mortgages with first and second priorities, currencies, commodities, hedge funds, foreign mortgages, and accounts receivables.

capstone mortgage poolcapstone first mortgage fundcapstone private high income fundcapstone treasury poolcapstone fixed income pool

Capstone’s impact investment funds provide investors with the opportunity to align their portfolios with Christian values. These funds focus on selecting companies that demonstrate responsible practices and contribute to human flourishing, incorporating a diverse range of assets, including equities and fixed income, all chosen based on Capstone’s faith-driven principles. By investing in these funds, clients can pursue their financial goals while making a meaningful, positive impact aligned with their beliefs.

Capstone Kinvest Impact Fund I LPCapstone Stewardship Extension Fund


Invest in our Capstone Kinvest Impact Fund

The Capstone Kinvest Impact Fund is structured as a Limited Partnership and is open to institutions, corporations, and private individuals that are eligible investors in the Canadian Partnership.

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Ready to Align Your Investments with Your Mission?

Discover how Capstone partners with your institution in financial stewardship

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